About Us

The website, oopspace.com, was established on 5th January 2021 with an aim to provide best possible knowledge and updates related to science/astronomy and more. The first major article was posted on 6th January 2021. This website is always dedicated to provide best possible content to the viewers worldwide. We are determined to serve our readers with fresh, and informative contents related to astronomy, science, technology, mysteries, religion and philosophy.

We are strongly committed to select contents which do not spread hatred among people, or which do not intentionally insult any person or any organization or any nation or any other entity. Our objectives are to purely feed our readers with analytical as well as critical view of the subject. 

Space is not full of mysteries—it’s full of answers. One of the reasons it is called Space is because we want to be a place where you can find answers to any question that comes your way.

On average, you will get one more question for each answer. Our website, oopspace.com, is meant to help you find answers to some of these questions. Here, you will find articles that deal with a variety of topics related to space and science.

Why our website among others?

The reason why you can make oopspace.com your default science news website is not because we have invested a significant amount of time and effort in making it one. It’s because we have made an effort to ensure that the articles published on our website are well researched.

The truth is, we can’t be sure about every single article that you find on space.com, but we do promise to do our best each day so that any information you find on the website is always of high quality and, most importantly, value.

We know that in writing, as in other endeavors, there is a fine line between doing excellent work and “good enough”—between being the best in your field and being just like anyone else. We don’t want to be just like everyone else; we want to be better.

Our team of five theoretical researchers works on a daily basis to ensure that the research presented on our website is up to par and of high quality.

As would be expected, we have a dedicated “technical” department whose sole job is to review all reviewed articles for any mistakes that may have been overlooked.

This is a list of articles that we have written in the past. We are proud of each one of them and are looking forward to adding more to this list in the near future.

For any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding our website, please contact us at: admin@oopspace.com.

oopspace.com will always welcome constructive feedbacks from its visitors, well-wishers, writers, researchers, supporters and advertisers.

The oopspace.com team includes the following officials:

Editor/Author: Neil O’Brien

Editor/Researcher: Jonathan Smith

Researcher: Tom Anthony

Editor/Researcher: Mike Chancellor

Researcher: Robert Smith


Thank You

Universe & Existence