Next milestone in the exploration of the outer world, NASA has now confirmed to exist more than 5,000 exoplanets beyond our solar system.
Neil O'Brien
Bill Gray, the astronomer who had previously claimed that a piece of one of Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 booster rockets was going to slam into the moon in March has admitted now that he has made a mistake, saying that the space junk belongs to a Chinese rocket. Astronomer Gray,...
One of the most awaited moment in the history of space telescopes, the James Webb Space Telescope is going to complete the first phase of the months-long process of aligning the observatory’s primary mirror using the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) instrument. According to NASA, the challenges to meet for the...
The Hubble Space Telescope, which has already contributed the human civilization with unprecedented approach to the outer space, has captured yet another cosmic view of an incredible three-dimensional-looking image of two interacting galaxies on the verge of a cosmic draw. The image has been released by the European Space Agency...
A potentially hazardous asteroid has headed towards the Earth. According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that tracks objects in the outer sky, it has spotted an asteroid, named 138971 (2001 CB21), nearly 1.3 kilometers in size, heading towards Earth. The asteroid is said to be potentially hazardous, and the...
Researchers have found a strange spinning object in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Australian researchers say that the object is unlike anything astronomers have ever seen before. The team’s paper on the object has been published in the latest edition of the journal Nature. The object, which releases a huge...
Researchers have claimed that they have found the second candidate of exomoon, which orbits a planet circling a sun-like star about 5.7k light-years from the earth. In Nature Astronomy on 13 January, they have reported about the finding of the exomoon. The team of astronomers has said that the satellite...
Researchers are busy in exploring about the dark matter and the dark energy. In such astronomers have recently reached one step closer to revealing the properties of dark matter enveloping our Milky Way galaxy. They have viewed a new map of twelve streams of stars orbiting within our galactic halo....
Researchers have said that an asteroid named Bennu, which is as large as the Empire State Building in New York, is likely to hit the Earth in 2100s. But agencies have reported that the probability of the asteroid hitting earth between now and 2300 is one in 1,750. Quoting to...
NASA’s Juno spacecraft is going to make a close approach on Monday to the Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede. According to NASA, the flyby will be the closest a spacecraft has come to the solar system’s largest natural satellite since NASA’s Galileo spacecraft made its penultimate close approach back on 20...
As a part of the NASA’s Discovery Program, the US Space Agency has declared its plan of sending two missions to study about Venus,our closest planetary neighbour. The missions aim to understand how Venus came to become an inhabitable world when its many characteristics are similar to earth. Scientists say Venus...
NASA has planned Roman Mission to reveal cosmic mysteries. As we know, the universe has uncountable mysteries waiting to be revealed by humans. Adding a brick to the task, NASA has planned to use its upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to observe thousands of exploding stars called supernovae across...
Blood Moon is going to occur on 26 May. On the day, there is going to take place a total lunar eclipse during which the moon will turn red. This eclipse will be the first in the series of four big lunar eclipses in the coming two years. According to...
NASA says the rover ‘VIPER’ Will search for water and other resources on the Moon. NASA is planning to send its first mobile robot named Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) to the Moon in late 2023. As part of the Artemis program, the mission aims the rover to search for water and...
A new study by a collaborative Asterochronometry project, funded by the European Research Council, shows that the researchers have recently traced the best pieces of evidence to the date which provides insights into the timing of how the early Milky Way was merged to take the present size. The research...