Everything we know about outer space is just false and illusional for all we could care about. It’s all finite and never can go beyond the boundary of our mental perspective.
While it’s not a big possibility, a possibility always remains that our Earth is indeed something special on a bigger scale.
The Big Bang might have been a random event, but can an event happen without a cause? Well, again I ask why do we say “nothing”? Only you can answer this question for yourself.
The 83-year-old retired British physicist Peter Higgs was present at the press conference. Higgs had initially proposed the existence of the sub-atomic particle that bears his name in the 1960s. And, Higgs of Higgs Boson came from the very name of Peter Higgs.
What is at the center of the milky way? A supermassive black hole called “Sagittarius A”.Astronomers think there are supermassive black holes at the center of nearly all galaxies. Sagittarius A, in particular, is located in the constellation of Sagittarius. It is a black hole that is about 4 million...
Big Bang theory assumes that the Big Bang event took place, but not from nothing; it originated from a small, unnoticeable particle, in which was contained all the space, time, matter, energy and everything.
A permanent resource for any human research of the planet as well as a vital step in setting up the planet’s potential for life is the detection of underlying water.
Astronomers have observed a star, a white dwarf, that survived a supernovae explosion and emerged being still brighter than before. Located 108 million light years from Earth, this white dwarf is in a spiral galaxy called NGC 1309, about three quarters the size of our Milky Way. A light year...
The search for life, which may be existing or already extinct, on planetary bodies is one of the main goals of planetary exploration missions conducted by NASA and other international space agencies.
While being particularly active this spring, the Sun has been sending out many M-class and X-class (the strongest class) flares as activity grows in the regular 11-year cycle of sunspots.
All of the planets in the solar system can very rarely be seen clearly in one night. Planet parades are another name for these occasions.
Curiosity’s scientific instruments discovered chemical and mineral traces of previous habitable conditions on Mars early in the mission.
If this research is confirmed and verified, it will be an important step on the journey to a more complete understanding of the Universe.
The researchers successfully demonstrated the detection of a signal with a frequency of 150 megahertz using a qubit detector with a frequency of 2.2 gigahertz in their experiments using a particular device…
Nuclear pasta is so dense that a teaspoon of it would weigh over a billion tons. Models say nuclear pasta is a trillion times denser than water.