
In the infinite vastness of space, there is an immeasurable amount of potential for harm. Even a small mistake while exploring space could result in a catastrophic collision. Representatives of several companies working on commercial space stations recently said that the lack of clarity from the federal government on who...

  • Troy Bagshaw
  • October 16, 2022

At least every other week, NASA says the space agency will release a new image depicting a galaxy pair or spectrum from the James Webb Space Telescope on the mission’s blog.

  • Mike Chancellor
  • October 4, 2022

Why on earth is it necessary that the extraterrestrial beings should have senses like the earthians? Since the Earth’s discovery, many people have believed that there are other life forms in outer space. In order to survive, any creature needs a sense of hearing, sight or smell, or touch, at...

  • Troy Bagshaw
  • September 29, 2022
Universe & Existence