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However, even when clouds obscure the view, the unusual daytime darkness associated with eclipses will delight not only human observers but also the co-dwellers of this natural world. Birds seek their roosts, bees return to their hives, and even turtles emerge from their aquatic abodes in response to this transient celestial phenomenon.

  • Mike Chancellor
  • September 15, 2023

Introduction A solar eclipse means Moon blocking the Sun from view. There are 3 types of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular. •Total solar eclipses are when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The Moon’s shadow is cast on Earth. •Partial solar eclipses are when the Moon covers part of...

  • Troy Bagshaw
  • November 22, 2022

On 24 June, the Strawberry Moon will appear in the night sky. The first full Moon of summer will be its biggest and brightest. According to scientists, the Strawberry Moon marks the last full moon of the spring season and the first of the summer season. The summer season in...

  • Troy Bagshaw
  • June 22, 2021

This year’s first solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse 2021, is going to occur on Thursday. Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Earth. The Thursday’s eclipse is an annular one. In an annular eclipse, the Sun...

  • Troy Bagshaw
  • June 9, 2021
  • 2

Blood Moon is going to occur on 26 May. On the day, there is going to take place a total lunar eclipse during which the moon will turn red. This eclipse will be the first in the series of four big lunar eclipses in the coming two years. According to...

  • Avatar
  • May 22, 2021
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