Lunar Eclipse to occur on 15 May: Where can you observe it from?

A lunar eclipse is going to occur on the evening of May 15, 2022. On the occasion, the Earth will pass between the Sun and the Moon, blocking sunlight and casting a shadow on the lunar surface.
How does lunar eclipse occur?

When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, sunlight is blocked. This causes the Moon to darken and a thin shadow appears on its surface. The Sun and Moon appear to be joined together, which is known as “a lunar eclipse”. A lunar eclipse occurs at full moon.
Is there any significance of lunar eclipse in daily life?
There is no significance of lunar eclipse in daily life rather than its astronomy conception. Since it is not a well-known phenomenon to us, the occurrence of lunar eclipse can seem mysterious. Still, there are few interesting facts about lunar eclipse that you can enjoy reading below.
- Lunar eclipse is visible in the night sky if you live in the right place.
- Although lunar eclipse is safe to observe with the naked eye, it is better to get advice from your eye specialist about whether you need to use specialized equipment.
- Lunar eclipse can be observed without specialized equipment.
- Lunar eclipse often occurs in pairs.
- The color of the Moon during a lunar eclipse is not red.
- A lunar eclipse can occur only during a full moon.
- The duration of lunar eclipse changes from one lunar eclipse to another.
- Lunar eclipses occur at intervals of about two weeks.
- You can see lunar eclipses for several hours but the duration of total lunar eclipses varies from just a few minutes to more than an hour
Where can you observe the lunar eclipse on 15 May, 2022 from?
According to NASA, the lunar eclipse of 15 May, 2022 can be observed from the eastern half of the United States and all of South America will have the opportunity to see every stage of the lunar eclipse, which will begin over North America at 10:27 p.m. EDT on May 15 (2:27 UTC on May 16).
The US space agency has also stated that the eastern half of the United States and all of South America will have the opportunity to see every stage of the lunar eclipse. The totality of the eclipse will begin at 11:29 a.m. EDT on May 15 (3:12 UTC on May 16) and will be visible in much of Africa, western Europe, Central and South America, and most of North America.
If you are at the right place, you’d better not to miss to go out on the night of May 15, 2022 to see the lunar eclipse – a wonderful celestial event.