From out of millions of habitable planets, it is really surprising that extraterrestrial beings haven’t arrived to the Earth yet.
Why extraterrestrial beings have not arrived?
Earth has got all the required conditions for the survival of life, however, extraterrestrial beings have not arrived here yet. The appropriate distance of the earth from the sun has enabled this planet to maintain its right temperature.
So that the formation of the liquid water is possible here. Accordingly, life-fuel oxygen and other necessary elements for supporting life are the secrets of this wonderful living planet.
Thus, the most prevailing question is if we are alone or there are others like us somewhere in the cosmos. If they exist there, why have those extraterrestrial beings not arrived to see us yet?
Evidences of Extraterrestrial Lives
No clear evidence is available till the date of the existence of aliens or extraterrestrial life. Humans walked on the moon’s surface and successfully returned home.
Furthermore, dozens of spacecrafts touched the Martian land, captured and sent back hundreds of images. Different probes have closely observed lanets like Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. And. voyager 1&2 have reached far beyond the solar system seeking for the sign of life around.
However, neither any of them could find any symptom of any existence extraterrestrial beings, nor any aliens such extraterrestrial beings have arrived here yet.
But hopefully, the range we have discovered till today is not larger than a drop of water in the ocean when compared only to this milky way galaxy, too. It certainly means that we have the whole ocean to be explored ahead.

The haunting fact, though, is quite upsetting. The latest and the most advanced technology of this time takes thousands of years to reach the nearest solar system.
But an average human life hardly exceeds eighty years. Therefore, our approach outside this solar system depends not only in the invention of advanced technology, it also stands up on the development of our capacity to exploit the extremely high level of energy in an ordinary way.
This process is the most complex one in the whole astronomical project as adaptation can’t happen instantly. In fact, it takes considerably a large span of time. It means human approach to such extraterrestrial beings with the latest technology is almost impossible.
So, what?

Therefore, if some others, aliens, are dwelling somewhere at any corner of this tremendous universe and if those extraterrestrial beings are necessarily civilized to travel up to us, they themselves can visit us someday.
And, the fact can not be ignored that there are certainly other beings like us somewhere in this unimaginably vast cosmos. It is because if we are possible here, they can certainly be possible there.
After 13.6 Billion years of the formation of the universe, it’s quite disappointing that the extraterrestrial beings have not arrived to the earth yet.
Even if we have no reliable clue of them till now, on the basis of common-sense judgement, tens of thousands of civilizations only in our medium-sized galaxy may exist. Let’s hope that we will meet beings–our alien, extraterrestrial friends–soon.